Saturday, June 25, 2011

17 Weeks

This week we got an update that the twins are doing great and Ms. S is taking care of them so very well for us. I am forever grateful.

Our ultrasound was all head shots! I love that they look so smart!
Normal passive active movements seen.
Aprox Gestational age is 16 wks 3 days for Twin 1
155 grams , Nasal bone seen. 4 chamber view of the heart.

Normal passv active movements seen.
Aprox Gestational age is 16 wks 2 days for Twin 2
155 Grams, Nasal bone seen. 4 chamber view of the heart.

I find the weeks passing quickly and I am starting to collect a few baby things.

Mantra: Ms. S continues along with an uneventful pregnancy with Nov 15th in sight.
My mantra really focusing on the babies and Ms.S staying snug together until the 15th of Nov or longer.

Grow babies grow........ My heart is exploding with love for you.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

100 Days!

We are 100 days pregnant today!

We would like to say thank you to our surro- momma.
How our lives have been blessed by your generosity.
We can not thank you enough for this amazing gift you are providing to our family.
We think about you and your family everyday and how well you are caring for our babies.
Thank you, thank you, thank you !